Notes: Works with virtually any bipolar stepper motor, including 4-, 6- or 8-wire motors wired as bipolar.Set the driver for minimum motor current (with pot on board).The driver is shown wired for full steps. Half, quarter and eighth steps can also be accomodated. See the A3967 datasheet. Because the driver responds to a change of state on the STEP input only, the motor registers every other frequency comparator phase slip, and φ in the error calculation* becomes 1/500000 S (2 µS). Refer back to the Frequency Comparator article for more on this calculation. *Frequency Offset = dNφ/dt = dN x 1/500000 x 1/dt.
*Frequency Offset = dNφ/dt = dN x 1/500000 x 1/dt.