Laser Beam Concentrator/Aiming DeviceGlass Lens/Tin Can VersionThe lens is surplus/salvage from a stage lighting device. The effective diameter is about 5" (12.5cm). The body of the concentrator is made of tin cans - coffee, beans and condensed milk. Rear ViewThe cans are held together with epoxy. The reticle is located at the junction of the bean can and the condensed milk can. With Lens HoodThe lens and hood are held in place with RTV silicone. View of the Reticle During InstallationThe 'legs' were then soldered to the can. Photosensor Installed in the ReticlePhotos of the long-range version of the laser beam concentrator in action can be seen here. Warning: This device is meant to be used with a visible class-IIIa (<5 mW) laser at a distance.